
Showing posts with the label good night poem

Human: An embody of light.

 The divine light, That shines so bright, Wanted to be loved, And created his beloved. His beloved was the man, Into the realm, he ran, Unknowing of the glow,  He carried in his own. The spirit he carried inside, Was the part of the supreme insight. Embodying the light of the true,      He never knew, even out of the blue. Some able to realize, And some not. That being part of the divine, They tied a knot. No matter how far, But he will be a part. From the divine's power, One can never grow apart.

The Night

The night carries, all those scars, left by the day, all those wounds, not yet healed, all those retained whispers, filled with joy, all those favours,  that gave a chance, all those regrets, of the missed chances, all those sacrifices, done for good, all those stars, that change their way, and all those hopes, for a new day...

The Nox

 In the night  full of delight, The moon is like a flower and the stars that always empower. The night's shine Enhancing the pine. The stars are shining with all their might, In the darkness spread left and right. Quite my streets  As well my town, And my music That makes me drown. The colorless world with beautiful insight, There lies an emerald Shining overnight. Now it's time to turn off the lights, And to say a sweet good night. The following poem written by me is also published in the anthology " SIDRA " compiled by Ayushi Anand Shah under Dream World publications. (Tap on the above word SIDRA to get a hardcopy of the book)