
Showing posts with the label character

Admiration as a Mirror: Reflecting Our Inner Growth

Certainly, let's dive a bit deeper into the concept of admiration and its profound effects on our lives. When we meet someone new, we often subconsciously evaluate them based on their appearance and demeanor. It's a natural human instinct, and it can set the tone for how we interact with them. These initial impressions can influence our behavior, sometimes without us even realizing it. We might adopt certain characteristics or habits we admire in others, aspiring to be more like them. However, admiration shouldn't be limited to the surface. It's not just about admiring a person's outer qualities but also about understanding their journey, their struggles, and the experiences that have shaped them. By doing this, we can appreciate their worth, even if it's hidden beneath the surface. This approach encourages empathy and compassion, which are vital for building meaningful connections. In a broader sense, we should extend our admiration beyond individuals to encomp

Human : The spectrum of Identities

Have you ever considered the analogy of a prism reflecting colors to illustrate how humans reflect their identities? The word 'Human' reminds us of the bunch of energies existing in a concise form. This energy reflects something when in contact with any other form of energies. Human reflects his nature when interacts with any other entity present in this world and this reflection is always different with different entities whether it be of same scientific specie. The bond a person shares with another is different from person to person and this is where he is known to reflect according to the situation or according to the reciprocity with the entity around him. He acquits as a spectrum full of discrete recognition. To be compatible with others, we need to change our ways of interaction, which further helps in an uncomplicated livelihoods. There is no harm to interchange our identities as it is the part of our survival and we  need to accept and acclaim it. A human does not suffe