
Showing posts with the label care

Constant Change

  CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT - and this is the truth. We can come over complicated circumstances by a little change in ourselves. A little change in us, can bring a great change around us. The whole universe is attempting the best to bring change in us, for our amelioration!! So who are we to be constant throughout?? There’s no such world, where forever is real therefore we need to constantly change for our betterment. Sometimes it takes an overwhelming change for a desirable obsession. A positive change is sometimes painful and sometimes beautiful but the result is always wonderful. We need change to boost ourselves. We need to be different persons in different situations, which is only possible through change. Whether it’s temporary or permanent, a positive change is always a boon. Change helps us to know, who we do not want to be and helps us to focus on who we want to be. It grabs our attention on our goals and helps us to be an enthusiastic soul and an energized spirit. Theref

Harmony is science

 "Harmony," in its true essence, is like a symphony where all the instruments play together in perfect unison, creating a beautiful and peaceful melody. It's a state of being in sync with the world around us, fostering positivity and growth in our lives. We understand that life is a series of changes, and for every action, there's a reaction. To keep this harmonious flow, we must learn to overcome obstacles gracefully, not through force but with assertiveness. This means we approach challenges with a sense of self-assuredness rather than aggression, maintaining the delicate balance of this rhythmic motion. The initial spark that sets this harmonic motion in action is love. Love is the force that fuels the engine of harmony. Just a single act of love, a kind gesture, or a heartfelt word can initiate this beautiful process. It's like sending out a ray of love that travels from us and touches someone else, setting in motion a chain of positive events that propel our

Tough Roles, Silent Storms!!

In a tough world, a man's story is told, With heavy expectations, a burden to hold.  Not just by money, their worth shouldn't be sold,  They're more than what traditions often unfold Men also have battles, they hide them away, Always being strong, their feelings they don't display. Crying seems like weakness, in life's tough array, But beneath their strong exterior, emotions might play. To be a father, brother, and husband strong,  In their hearts, they know where they belong.  For respect and love, they quietly stand,  In the struggle to prove, they're a caring hand. In a world of silent battles fought,  Where tears are hidden, lessons taught. Men strive for love, for family's good,  In misunderstood roles, their strength withstood. Invisible battles, they silently wage, A role well-played at every life's stage.  Resilient hearts, enduring and strong, Men prove their love in actions all along.   In a world where women are praised and adored,  Let's


Let us serve our duty, to save the environment's beauty Let us pledge to reveal, that unrevealed pleasing scent, of the wet grass And the blissful wind playing among themselves. The colors of those pretty flowers  hidden under those grey shades. Let us open our eyes and be awake  to observe those green shades, and to hear the ripple of the flowing stream. Let us all vow, to let flowers bloom with grace, to let winds be full of joy, to fill the wet grass with the fragrance,  to make the water dance with contentment,  to make the stars shine with delight,  to paint the sky full of rainbows filled with pleasure. And let us promise everyday  with great intent,  To take good care of Our Environment.