
Showing posts with the label beauty

Human: An embody of light.

 The divine light, That shines so bright, Wanted to be loved, And created his beloved. His beloved was the man, Into the realm, he ran, Unknowing of the glow,  He carried in his own. The spirit he carried inside, Was the part of the supreme insight. Embodying the light of the true,      He never knew, even out of the blue. Some able to realize, And some not. That being part of the divine, They tied a knot. No matter how far, But he will be a part. From the divine's power, One can never grow apart.

Faded beauty with lasted memory!

  Why do you cherish the dead ones so much? He asked! They live forever in between my books… I replied adding… Fresh ones, Cherished for it's beauty; Dead rose, Is beyond the beauty. Fresh rose, Smells so sweet; Dead rose, Smells for memories. Fresh rose, Gives the feel of softness; Dead rose, Gives the feel of the past. Fresh one, Bloom for days; Dead one, It forever stays. Fresh one, Remains with the rest; But a dead one, Is like a secret close to the chest. To which he added, Fresh rose, Has petals so smooth, And with a gentle touch They soothe. Dead rose, Crinkled and dry But holds the whispers Of that last goodbye. And then left….


 Aura is not merely a mystical concept but a tangible manifestation of the energies that surround us. It forms a luminous layer, consisting of seven distinct layers, collectively known as the Auric Field. This energetic cloak envelops us, serving as a conduit for the exchange and expression of our inner essence. Our aura possesses a magnetic quality, capable of both attraction and repulsion, influenced by our individual essence and the vibrational frequency of our energies. When we encounter someone emitting positive vibes, it's often a reflection of their aura resonating with ours. Their elevated energy levels create a magnetic pull, drawing us towards them. Importantly, one's aura is not solely determined by external traits or appearances. Even individuals with introverted tendencies or unassuming features can possess a potent energy field capable of attracting positivity. It's the inner essence, cultivated through spiritual practices like meditation, that shapes the vibr


Human is the smallest entity of this massive cosmic. The sanctity of this entity is determined by the dedication one owns to attract the pragmatic energy throughout him. When this energy starts healing the person from within and person starts to substitute his qualities with the optimistic and the positive ones he then starts becoming sacred. Sacredness of the person is it's preciousness in this cosmic aliveness, he then becomes confined to himself and is known for his purity. He is blessed with the quality of oneness he owns and is able to affirm and manifest all the habits that are real and not materialistic. He's in an inconvertible state with himself.  The interrelatedness of the person with this flash of energy is most vital contrivance one could ever need to survive through the sensations received by the materialistic possessions. The person feel sacred to the spirit within, to the world he adores and to the mates around him. Each and every one of us is sacred because we

Nature’s Romance: A love almanac

In spring's tender embrace, a maiden fair, Her laughter blooms, love beyond compare. Adorned in petals, dancing through the hours, Nature swoons as she decks the bowers. Summer strides, a bold and ardent knight, His gaze aflame, a passionate delight. Sun-kissed encounters, a fervent, sweet chance, A blazing love, an intoxicating dance. Autumn arrives, a wise and golden sage, Whispering tales from life's seasoned page. A painter skilled, crafting hues so keen, A canvas of warmth in gold and green. Lastly, winter weaves a cloak of snow, A gentle hush, love continues to grow. In her icy arms, a peaceful sleep, As seasons intertwine, their stories seep. These seasons, lovers in the grand design, Each one a chapter in a tale divine.

Absence of Essence

We learn so many things in our lives and experience a great treasure somewhere. The things we learn can be common in a bulk or may be present in only one. The amount of energy or effort we put into those things is the criterion for being satisfied. The more effort we put in, the more self-satisfied we are, but somewhere even after putting in our efforts, there is a void inside us. We can feel that emptiness inside us even after being happy outside. Somewhere we aren't fully satisfied and we end up saying, there's still something we must've done. That void is because of the absence of a connection to that particular thing or the connection between our spirit and the energy surrounding us. There's this lack of bond between our aura and the energy outside our souls. The bond becomes weaker and weaker when we do not try to find that lost connection. One can say he is fully into something when he is attached to it by the spirit within and can feel that he's being stuffed

Live a little, Laugh a lot!

"Laughter, my dear friend, is like a cosmic chuckle button – the ultimate mood elevator, the comedy conductor, and the happiness elixir. It's the secret weapon the universe bestowed upon us to spread joy, so don't let it rust away! Your giggles are the magic wand you can wave to turn frowns into smiles. No matter what's going on, remember: if life gives you lemons, squeeze them into a laughter cocktail. Sip it, savor it, and watch your worries dissolve into bursts of mirth. Why let life's little pinpricks pop your joy bubble? Those minor blips on your life's radar aren't worth the drama, my friend! Save your brain cells, they might come in handy when you're solving the mysteries of the universe. And please, never hesitate to laugh, especially at your own goof-ups. It's a power move! Let your chuckles remind those tiny mistakes that they're no match for your colossal spirit. So, here's to laughter – the cosmic confetti that decorates our days

From Rain to Reign: A Rainbow's Journey

Be like a rainbow in the sky so high, When sorrow surrounds, let your spirit fly. In the midst of rain and tears that fall, Hold onto hope, it'll conquer all. Though clouds may gather, dark and gray, Remember, the sun will pave the way. With its golden rays, it will mend, The broken hearts, love it will send. So, when you're sad and want to cry, Just wait a while, don't say goodbye. For after the rain, in the bluest skies, A rainbow of happiness, in your heart, lies. "This poem is a reflection of the innocent wisdom of my 9-year-old sister, Heral Alwani. I am thrilled to have successfully transformed her thoughts and inspiration into this piece of poetry."

Harmony is science

 "Harmony," in its true essence, is like a symphony where all the instruments play together in perfect unison, creating a beautiful and peaceful melody. It's a state of being in sync with the world around us, fostering positivity and growth in our lives. We understand that life is a series of changes, and for every action, there's a reaction. To keep this harmonious flow, we must learn to overcome obstacles gracefully, not through force but with assertiveness. This means we approach challenges with a sense of self-assuredness rather than aggression, maintaining the delicate balance of this rhythmic motion. The initial spark that sets this harmonic motion in action is love. Love is the force that fuels the engine of harmony. Just a single act of love, a kind gesture, or a heartfelt word can initiate this beautiful process. It's like sending out a ray of love that travels from us and touches someone else, setting in motion a chain of positive events that propel our

Briny Ocean

Admire the bliss, Of the pretty ocean. The expansive surface With unending mysteries  beneath the boundlessness. Think about the ocean, if they too get rid of flowing? Settled well, in list of sacrifices, they can barely wait, long enough to feel the vibe. The ocean, I assume, are flowing, as they are aware that, even if they wish hard for something, and strongly bond with something, they won't be able to drop the course....


 Her beauty is, Her sustenance. Nature's beauty  Is a true romance. In all those birds Chirping again, And the flowers, Blooming in the rain. In all the trees with the green smile, lies the beauty in every mile. To the person  down the sea, That seeks the beauty, in the garden bee. You're the one, Oh! so sweet, More than the honey  that you eat. In the sky That's so high, You admire the charm Like glitter in the eye. You are the one With lots of love Admiring the beauty of that white dove. You're the one Perfect for this world, And the sun For the unloved.

La Cielo

The mornin' sky that's so high, the winds come by like a sweet stimuli. I wonder why I can't fly, Admiring the birds that chirrup nearby. Blue blue sky that looks so shy, where the hidden mysteries lie, and glooms the passion  in my eye. Sky is full of wonder and flies and the sun that  rises nice. The little bird that tries and sigh, to fly in the ether that's so high. Now it's time to say goodbye and to admire the wonderful sky. The following poem has also been published in THE MIRELLA Anthology published under the dream world publications.  To purchase the book tap on >>> MIRELLA

WHITE : The color of serenity

Amidst the realm of colors, pure and bright, Lies a hue that enchants with its gentle light. White, the language of beginnings anew, Where love and hope intertwine and grew. A symphony of stillness, a quiet retreat, In its embrace, the world finds peace so sweet. Unveiling a serenity, calm and serene, White, the embodiment of dreams unseen. A winter's kiss on landscapes fair, Blankets of snow in the crisp, cold air, White, the artistry of nature's hand, A creation of grace across the land. In the canvas of art, white takes its place, A blank page's promise, an artist's embrace, White, the birthplace of imagination's flight, Where thoughts and visions take their height. Yet, white's not empty, nor void of hue, It holds the colors of the world in its dew, A prism of potential, where rainbows arise, White, the palette from which creation flies. Oh, luminous white, mystic hue, Stories and wonders come into view. A symbol of unity, simplicity's grace, In your emb


Let us serve our duty, to save the environment's beauty Let us pledge to reveal, that unrevealed pleasing scent, of the wet grass And the blissful wind playing among themselves. The colors of those pretty flowers  hidden under those grey shades. Let us open our eyes and be awake  to observe those green shades, and to hear the ripple of the flowing stream. Let us all vow, to let flowers bloom with grace, to let winds be full of joy, to fill the wet grass with the fragrance,  to make the water dance with contentment,  to make the stars shine with delight,  to paint the sky full of rainbows filled with pleasure. And let us promise everyday  with great intent,  To take good care of Our Environment.

Rosa Blossom

The rose in my pretty garden, seems to be smiling and being nurtured with all the positivity around it. I didn't knew that it may grab my heart someday, in that dark night, under the moonlighting and those scattered stars. That perfect glaze of the white light on those red petals seems to attract every eye around my garden. Oh dear! it catches me through its scent and through its adorable beauty. The bud in its core seems to hug the petals with all its heart and all its love, as though it will retain the bond forever and ever. My darling flower, catches my heart with that peaceful liberty of its terminating petal. Look at it, so free and away from the tyranny. My dear, I heard it's voice, so pleasing, so soothing. Telling me to come closure and give it a refreshing touch. That firefly giving it a glow, the glow to reflect love and be full of sentience. The rose seems to blush as it knows, it is the only beautiful lady of my little garden and is standing still at its place, show

Majestic Monsoon

 Drip by drip, the gentle rain arrived, enveloping everything in serene silence, captivating our attention. Each water droplet created a symphony upon impact, as if orchestrating a masterpiece of tranquility. The raindrops caressed the earth, painting ripples on the grey canvas below. The grass, eager and alive, embraced the drops, urging the soil beneath to imbibe the gift of water. With petrichor in the air, the moist earth rekindled sensations, captivating all who encountered it. The once-muted flowers, now adorned with glistening jewels, danced in jubilation. Trees stood as sentinels of contentment, their verdant leaves dampened, inviting all to find solace beneath their branches. Saplings bowed with gratitude, welcoming the rain's touch. Hidden among the leaves, melodious bird songs echoed, weaving a chorus of unseen beauty. The peacocks unfurled their feathers, a living tapestry of delight. These sights and sounds harkened back to the Romantic Era, akin to the love affairs pe

The Nox

 In the night  full of delight, The moon is like a flower and the stars that always empower. The night's shine Enhancing the pine. The stars are shining with all their might, In the darkness spread left and right. Quite my streets  As well my town, And my music That makes me drown. The colorless world with beautiful insight, There lies an emerald Shining overnight. Now it's time to turn off the lights, And to say a sweet good night. The following poem written by me is also published in the anthology " SIDRA " compiled by Ayushi Anand Shah under Dream World publications. (Tap on the above word SIDRA to get a hardcopy of the book)