You are the one

You are perfect 

the way you are.

You can be perfect 

the way you want to be.

Those secret admirers,

will still admire you.

Don't waste your time, 

getting that shitty attention,

from the outside world.

Everything that's good,

lies inside you.

Embrace yourselves 

'coz neither your friends,

nor those harmful relatives,

are gonna appreciate your hard work.

You do, therefore you get.

You must value yourself.

Enjoy every moment, 

and change yourself 

for your desires.

Your latent talent,

will reveal resolutions soon. 

Let your souls be sacred for your spirit

and be the perfect one, 

in this imperfectly perfect world.

The following poem written by me is also published in the anthology "BE THE ONE" compiled by Ranjna Jah under Ink Zone publications. (Tap on the above word BE THE ONE to get a hardcopy of the book)



Based on your preferences:

Born to weep, after a dream?

Live a little, Laugh a lot!