
The Unknown Journey

Hustle in the streets, where the streets don't sleep. Man chases coins  with souls buried deep. Running so fast from dawn till night, To fill the plates  and to keep the light. In endless hustle they've lost their way, Forgetting the dawn  when they used to pray. Their feet keeps moving  but the path's unclear, The final destination  is lost in fear. For all the riches he may gain, Can't heal his soul caught in this chain. For in the end the journey's true, It's not in the gold, but in the soul's view. So pause and breathe and feel the grace, reconnect with the one in a holy place.

Born to weep, after a dream?

Why Are they happy  when the son is born, born to oppress and leaving her forlorn? In a world  where freedom's song was sung, She wonders why  her voice feels so unsung. Years of independence,  yet still in chains, Her safety questioned,  her dignity stained. In uniform or clothes deemed too brief, She faces fear,  not finding relief. Age is no shield  from a cruel hand, Was freedom just for men,  she can't understand. Blamed for walking  in the dark of night, While sons roam free,  their wrongs in sight. Not even safe  in the place they’ve grown, She asks,  where can she safely roam? Taught to know a touch  that's pure or vile, Yet who teaches the son  to walk a better mile? Why must she learn  to survive and fear, While he escapes  without ever shedding a tear? Twelve years or more the story remained same, Justice was denied  under the government insane!

Human: An embody of light.

 The divine light, That shines so bright, Wanted to be loved, And created his beloved. His beloved was the man, Into the realm, he ran, Unknowing of the glow,  He carried in his own. The spirit he carried inside, Was the part of the supreme insight. Embodying the light of the true,      He never knew, even out of the blue. Some able to realize, And some not. That being part of the divine, They tied a knot. No matter how far, But he will be a part. From the divine's power, One can never grow apart.

Success: A Gradient

 What is Success?  Success is something that we all crave for, at some moments of our lives. Craving an achievement in a particular field is what success mean to us. While picturizing success, all we can see is the final destination where we want to reach at the end and not the process which we have to follow.  Giving success, the limelight we may realize that success is not a single step process rather a gradient of all small steps. It can be observed as a gradient of colors blended into each other with no perfect boundaries. Same as in the case of success, we may move on to the different levels of a particular field and yet not realize how far we've came on our success gradient. By imagining success as a spectrum of color, we realize that, each new effort enhances the intensity of the color by small percentage. As we add up our efforts, we move to the more intense colors of our success gradient and thus making us shine brightly on our path. We are always fascinated with the color

Faded beauty with lasted memory!

  Why do you cherish the dead ones so much? He asked! They live forever in between my books… I replied adding… Fresh rose, Cherished for it's beauty; Dead rose, Is beyond the beauty. Fresh rose, Smells so sweet; Dead rose, Smells of  memories. Fresh rose, Gives the feel of softness; Dead rose, Gives the feel of the past. Fresh one, Bloom for days; Dead one, It forever stays. Fresh one, Remains with the rest; But a dead one, Is like a secret close to the chest. To which he added, Fresh rose, Has petals so smooth, And with a gentle touch They soothe. Dead rose, Crinkled and dry But holds the whispers Of that last goodbye. And then left….

Turning point of life

Life’ a beautiful existence of an individual with multiple meanings  and experiences. This experience contains flavors of hope, happiness, sorrows, and survival, but the most important is the eternal energy surrounding us, that serves as a lifesaver. It is important to look at life from a different perspective, but with an optimistic sight. It helps us to grab positivity around us. And once we are filled with that pure energy, no one can make us feel low. We will not be able to look back at those hurdles when we start finding the ray of light inside us. Whenever we feel lonely or left behind, all we need to do is just close our eyes and find the positivity inside ourselves, we will start being happy with ourselves and contented with that never-ending energy in us. All we need to achieve in life is that one ray inside us that will never ever let us deflect us from our path. It will be with us forever and ever. Even when our spirit leaves our soul, it will be the only one, remaining with


 Aura is not merely a mystical concept but a tangible manifestation of the energies that surround us. It forms a luminous layer, consisting of seven distinct layers, collectively known as the Auric Field. This energetic cloak envelops us, serving as a conduit for the exchange and expression of our inner essence. Our aura possesses a magnetic quality, capable of both attraction and repulsion, influenced by our individual essence and the vibrational frequency of our energies. When we encounter someone emitting positive vibes, it's often a reflection of their aura resonating with ours. Their elevated energy levels create a magnetic pull, drawing us towards them. Importantly, one's aura is not solely determined by external traits or appearances. Even individuals with introverted tendencies or unassuming features can possess a potent energy field capable of attracting positivity. It's the inner essence, cultivated through spiritual practices like meditation, that shapes the vibr


Human is the smallest entity of this massive cosmic. The sanctity of this entity is determined by the dedication one owns to attract the pragmatic energy throughout him. When this energy starts healing the person from within and person starts to substitute his qualities with the optimistic and the positive ones he then starts becoming sacred. Sacredness of the person is it's preciousness in this cosmic aliveness, he then becomes confined to himself and is known for his purity. He is blessed with the quality of oneness he owns and is able to affirm and manifest all the habits that are real and not materialistic. He's in an inconvertible state with himself.  The interrelatedness of the person with this flash of energy is most vital contrivance one could ever need to survive through the sensations received by the materialistic possessions. The person feel sacred to the spirit within, to the world he adores and to the mates around him. Each and every one of us is sacred because we

Constant Change

  CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT - and this is the truth. We can come over complicated circumstances by a little change in ourselves. A little change in us, can bring a great change around us. The whole universe is attempting the best to bring change in us, for our amelioration!! So who are we to be constant throughout?? There’s no such world, where forever is real therefore we need to constantly change for our betterment. Sometimes it takes an overwhelming change for a desirable obsession. A positive change is sometimes painful and sometimes beautiful but the result is always wonderful. We need change to boost ourselves. We need to be different persons in different situations, which is only possible through change. Whether it’s temporary or permanent, a positive change is always a boon. Change helps us to know, who we do not want to be and helps us to focus on who we want to be. It grabs our attention on our goals and helps us to be an enthusiastic soul and an energized spirit. Theref

Nature’s Romance: A love almanac

In spring's tender embrace, a maiden fair, Her laughter blooms, love beyond compare. Adorned in petals, dancing through the hours, Nature swoons as she decks the bowers. Summer strides, a bold and ardent knight, His gaze aflame, a passionate delight. Sun-kissed encounters, a fervent, sweet chance, A blazing love, an intoxicating dance. Autumn arrives, a wise and golden sage, Whispering tales from life's seasoned page. A painter skilled, crafting hues so keen, A canvas of warmth in gold and green. Lastly, winter weaves a cloak of snow, A gentle hush, love continues to grow. In her icy arms, a peaceful sleep, As seasons intertwine, their stories seep. These seasons, lovers in the grand design, Each one a chapter in a tale divine.

Absence of Essence

We learn so many things in our lives and experience a great treasure somewhere. The things we learn can be common in a bulk or may be present in only one. The amount of energy or effort we put into those things is the criterion for being satisfied. The more effort we put in, the more self-satisfied we are, but somewhere even after putting in our efforts, there is a void inside us. We can feel that emptiness inside us even after being happy outside. Somewhere we aren't fully satisfied and we end up saying, there's still something we must've done. That void is because of the absence of a connection to that particular thing or the connection between our spirit and the energy surrounding us. There's this lack of bond between our aura and the energy outside our souls. The bond becomes weaker and weaker when we do not try to find that lost connection. One can say he is fully into something when he is attached to it by the spirit within and can feel that he's being stuffed

Live a little, Laugh a lot!

"Laughter, my dear friend, is like a cosmic chuckle button – the ultimate mood elevator, the comedy conductor, and the happiness elixir. It's the secret weapon the universe bestowed upon us to spread joy, so don't let it rust away! Your giggles are the magic wand you can wave to turn frowns into smiles. No matter what's going on, remember: if life gives you lemons, squeeze them into a laughter cocktail. Sip it, savor it, and watch your worries dissolve into bursts of mirth. Why let life's little pinpricks pop your joy bubble? Those minor blips on your life's radar aren't worth the drama, my friend! Save your brain cells, they might come in handy when you're solving the mysteries of the universe. And please, never hesitate to laugh, especially at your own goof-ups. It's a power move! Let your chuckles remind those tiny mistakes that they're no match for your colossal spirit. So, here's to laughter – the cosmic confetti that decorates our days


  In a world of friendship, so rare to find I met a soul, so pretty and kind. Her name is Vaani, my dearest friend, A bond that will never bend or end.   Long curly hair and eyes that shine, With lashes that catch the sun's design. A smile worth more than a million gold, And a pretty face, both young and bold.   Though she's my junior and age is just a guise, In her presence, it's a sweet surprise. While others her age seek some mischievous play Vaani just stands out in her own way.   She doesn't just praise me, that's not her way, She checks my errors and keeps me at bay. Advice she gives with wisdom's grace In life's up and downs, a steady embrace.   Our endless chats, a friendship blend In vaults of secrets, they'll never end. With Vaani, my secrets are no fun, I spill my updates, all at once.   I cherish the moments when she seeks my aid, Whether that's homework or anything that's made. It's like I'm her older sister, so keen With sha

From Rain to Reign: A Rainbow's Journey

Be like a rainbow in the sky so high, When sorrow surrounds, let your spirit fly. In the midst of rain and tears that fall, Hold onto hope, it'll conquer all. Though clouds may gather, dark and gray, Remember, the sun will pave the way. With its golden rays, it will mend, The broken hearts, love it will send. So, when you're sad and want to cry, Just wait a while, don't say goodbye. For after the rain, in the bluest skies, A rainbow of happiness, in your heart, lies. "This poem is a reflection of the innocent wisdom of my 9-year-old sister, Heral Alwani. I am thrilled to have successfully transformed her thoughts and inspiration into this piece of poetry."

Kids once again!

In a world often characterized by grown-up responsibilities, stress, and complexities, it's easy to forget the simplicity and wonder of childhood. But every once in a while, it's essential to step back from the hustle and bustle of adult life and embrace the child within us. Nostalgically capture the sentiment, inviting us to relive the magical moments of youth. Take yourself on a journey through a series of whimsical memories and experiences that many of us can relate to from our own childhoods. It begins with the idea of shedding the burdens of adulthood and reigniting the spirit of youthful adventures. This notion is a universal desire, a yearning to escape the confines of grown-up life and rediscover the joy and innocence of our early years. Let's paint vivid pictures of those moments that made childhood so special. From singing joyfully in long showers to creating soap bubbles that seemed to touch the sky and recapture the sheer delight in life's simple pleasures.